Earth Day 2019

 So its Monday. Ugh.  I know. And its also Earth Day! Yeah, who cares right? Well if you care even just a little about the future of the planet, and you have children (and grandchildren) you should consider doing something for Earth Day. 

  Earth Day is one the largest environmental movements worldwide. It started in 1970, and with the fight for clean energy and rapid climate change, the movement and awareness has grown every year. 

  I just threw a  baby shower for a dear friend of mine, and I finally let go of my daughters cloth diapers and gave to her. I showed her and her spouse how to use and clean them properly. One of the many reasons why I chose cloth in the beginning was the financial  factor; I was a stay at home mom at the time and would save BIG. But then I found out that NASA can see diaper piles from space!! GROOSSSSSSS. In addition, it takes about a generation for a plastic diaper to decompose. That means a diaper that a kid born in the 90s wore, is still sitting in a landfill somewhere. Yeah...
And I don't want to beat a dead horse on the benefits of nursing, but I will say this, if you cannot successfully nurse and/or you choose not to, please consider using GLASS BOTTLES, instead of plastic. You can buy them on Amazon. 

  I have fallen off my "being green" for a while. I use to do something with my daughter every year for Earth Day. We would either go to a festival that had foods that came from organic farms and/or enjoy the meats that were from grass fed only animals.  We would also meet up and do something with our homeschooling group. One year we went a local farm and helped the owners do some compose piling, and they gave all the kids a plant to take home. 

 Living in Hawai'i has definitely made me more "conscious" Our ecosystem is so delicate (unlike most of the mainland) that you can't help but to pay attention; from finding plastic in our ocean washing ashore the islands, to the endangered indigenous fish. 

 BUT, there is something we ALL can do to help restore the planet. Even something as small as fixing any leaks in your faucets around the house. (Yearly, a leaky faucet wastes GALLONS of water) 

Earth Day 2019, I want us all to pledge to do something "GREEN" Here are some of my simple suggestions:

1. Ride a bike to work in you can or carpool
2. Buy from a local farmers market (you help the local economy as well)
3. Plant something
4. Turn off your sprinklers for a day
5. Take a bath instead of a shower
6. Drink water from the faucet instead a bottled water
7. Use liquid sunscreen instead of the sprays

For more information go to


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